Volunteer Info
The Parent Association encourages all parents to volunteer at the school. We have various volunteer options to fit everyone's needs, skills, and time limitations. Every bit of help counts and it is a meaningful way to build our community. If you think you could volunteer even for a small amount of time, please complete the volunteer survey. We will use your survey responses to reach out to you when we have a volunteer need that matches your interests.
Once the survey is completed you will receive an email with a .zip file that includes all of the volunteer forms and an orientation video. Please bring all completed forms to Ms. Maggie in the front office. Once you are cleared to volunteer, you will be asked to sign in at the front office and wear a volunteer badge upon visiting the school.
Questions: Email HTeX Volunteer Coordinator at htex.volunteers@gmail.com
Please see below for volunteer categories and screening measures.
Volunteer Categories and Screening Measures
All volunteers must complete the orientation video and submit the Volunteer Orientation Acknowledgement form. See each category below for specific requirements.
Category A - Limited and Occasional Student Contact
Drivers and field trip chaperones
Event volunteer (community or fundraising events)
School office helper and non-classroom assistance
Participant in organized functions or groups such as the HTeX Parent Association
Category B - Supervised & Frequent or Prolonged Student Contact
Classroom helper
After/Before Care help
Outdoor lunch supervision
Indoor lunch supervision
Utilizing professional services & skills in student projects/enrichment
Health professionals for events
Category C - Direct Student Contact
Lead an after-school club
Category D - Remote Tasks with No Student Contact
Grant writing
Classroom material preparation
School beautification and maintenance
Business sponsorships and services
Planning committee

Steps for Volunteering at HTeX
Complete the volunteer survey
Watch the volunteer orientation video (provided once the volunteer survey is submitted).
Sign the Volunteer Orientation Acknowledgement form.
Complete the clearance requirements for your desired volunteer category.
Megan's Law Background Clearance
TB Risk Assessment and/or TB test
Drivers/Chaperones for Field Trips: Upload the following required documents to PowerSchool
Valid current car insurance
Valid current car registration
Driver's license information
TB and Live Scan FAQ
Are TB tests good for 4 years and can come from any doctor/place as long as they have a copy of the results?
TB is good up to 4 years, so anything taken after 2021
Are Livescans good for the duration of the time the volunteer is at our school? So if someone got their Livescan from when the child was in Kindergarten, it will be good until 5th grade.
Live Scan is valid for one year from the date of the scan, they would need to get fingerprints if they haven't done so after one year.
Would we be able to verify volunteer LIvescan results from the past few years?
Please refer to my answer above regarding one year. We would not be able to see results taken for other organizations or jobs only for HTH with our billing code.
Is Livescan able to be transferred from other schools/work if they can get a copy of the results?
NO! Unfortunately this is not accepted by law. Your prints only go to one agency or employer at a time so you can't use one set of prints for two different live scans. Agencies or employers are not allowed to share a person's background check information with one another.