HTeX PA Family Portal
Welcome to all new and returning HTeX families!
Stay Informed
Please make sure to join Konstella. This is the platform HTeX uses for families to connect with each other in a private and secure environment. The event and calendar options are kept up to date with school and community events so you will always be in the loop.
Get Involved
Visit the HTeX Committees page on Konstella to sign up to help plan the Fall Festival, Jog-A-Thon, or sign up to help with our community herb garden, or help us with our Lost and Found items. Also, visit our Volunteer Info page to find other ways to get involved.
Upcoming Events
Feb 3 - 7
Book Fair
Before & After School
Feb 12
Full Day Dismissal
2:45 PM
Feb 13
Half Day Dismissal
12:45 PM
Feb 14 - 17
Presidents' Day
Mar 3-6
Student Led Conferences
Early Dismissal
12:45 PM
Mar 26
Full Day Dismissal
2:45 PM
Jogathon 2024
We've reached our $30,000 goal! Thank you HTeX family and friends for your support!
Human Sundae!
We surpassed our $30k fundraising goal! Dr Melissa and Mr Brian both became human sundaes during January’s Community Meeting. Thank you to the parents that helped set this up and for Dr Melissa and Mr Brian for being such great sports in helping us reach our goals!
Gatorade Shower Achieved!
Because we surpassed the $24k fundraising marker, Dr Melissa and Mr Brian both got doused with a Gatorade shower during this month’s Community Meeting. Thank you to the parents that helped set this up and for Dr Melissa and Mr Brian for being such great sports in helping us make our goals! Check out the video here!
Sponsorship Program
We are launching our 2024-2025 Sponsorship Program and would like to invite you or companies you know to sponsor our school. Your sponsorship helps the HTeX PA to sustain its mission of supporting all of our HTeX students with enriching opportunities.
If you own a family business and would like to sponsor, check out the sponsorship options and levels. Or if you have a neighborhood business that would be interested in supporting HTeX, please reach out and provide them with the sponsorship link.
Please visit our Become a Sponsor page for more information.
Thank You to our Sponsors
Diamond Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Community Garden
Our Garden is Sprouting!
Thank you to everyone who helped pull dry plants, amend soil, plant seeds and plants, and water our garden. Please join the community garden committee to help keep our garden growing.
Looking for a Carpool?
We realize that transportation may be an issue for many of our HTH Point Loma campus families. We would like to help connect our families across our schools so you can form carpools. Please use this Carpool Connections 2024-2025 link to help you connect and find carpools with other High Tech High Point Loma Schools (HTeX, HTe, HTM, HTMMA, HTH, HTHI, and HTHMA).
School Address:
2230 Truxton Rd
San Diego, CA 92106
We hope you find helpful information on this site but if you have any suggestions for how we can make it more useful, please contact us at htexpacommunications@gmail. com